
Full moon could obscure the Perseid meteor shower

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The week wraps up with two night-sky events, but one will make the other hard to see. What You Need To Know The Perseids peak...

The future of weather forecasting may be outer space

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As we all know, weather forecasting is not an exact science. It still needs plenty of perfecting here on Earth. However, scientists are already extending...

History of meteorology

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From curiously observing clouds hoping to predict the weather to launching advanced technology to see what’s happening across the world, weather has fascinated people since...

How weather determined the target for the atomic bombs

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Today, August 6, marks the anniversary of the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945. We all know how the cities...

The pattern in the tropics starts shifting in August

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August is here and that means that the average peak of hurricane season is approaching. This month usually marks the beginning of more tropical activity...

How warmer water can help cool you on a hot day

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It might seem like common sense to reach for that bottle of ice cold water on a hot summer day, but believe it or not,...