
How to adapt to colder extremes

News Editor 1
I moved to Wisconsin after living in the state of Louisiana for 15 years. While there, I met my wife and had kids all in that same warm...

The future of weather forecasting may be outer space

News Editor 1
As we all know, weather forecasting is not an exact science. It still needs plenty of perfecting here on Earth. However, scientists are already extending...

Forecasting just got supercharged

News Editor 1
The future of weather forecasting just got an enormous boost. Last week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) introduced two new supercomputers with the goal...

Four planets with the moon align in night sky

News Editor 1
A wonderful parade is lining up the heavens this week. Four planets, Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Saturn, will align in the same ecliptic plane of...