Walt Disney

Hollywood Holiday Tower Hotel projection effects at Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Holidays are in full swing at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, but COVID-19 mitigation measures mean no Jingle Bell! Jingle Bam! or Sunset Seasons Greetings this year.

Hollywood Holiday Tower Hotel makes use of the projectors that were installed for Sunset Seasons Greetings, displaying some festive scenes on the front of the Hollywood Tower Hotel.

There are four different scenes, including a Muppets gingerbread house, a Toy Story hotel, a snowy corner of Arendelle and a Dickensian village inspired by “Mickey’s Christmas Carol.”

Much like the Cinderella Castle holiday projections at Magic Kingdom, the Studios version is low key, with no music or any of the synchronized lights along Sunset Blvd that were part of Sunset Seasons greetings.

You can catch the projections from sunset through to park close each day.

Article Posted:
Nov 10, 2020 / 10:11am ET

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