
How weather determined the target for the atomic bombs

News Editor 1
Today, August 6, marks the anniversary of the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945. We all know how the cities...

The pattern in the tropics starts shifting in August

News Editor 1
August is here and that means that the average peak of hurricane season is approaching. This month usually marks the beginning of more tropical activity...

How warmer water can help cool you on a hot day

News Editor 1
It might seem like common sense to reach for that bottle of ice cold water on a hot summer day, but believe it or not,...

A volcano’s ‘song’ may signal eruption

News Editor 1
Predicting a volcanic eruption could come down to studying the lava inside the mountain. More precisely, the sounds coming from that lava that could indicate...

Delta Aquariid meteor shower favors southern skywatchers

News Editor 1
The peak of the Perseid meteor shower is still a couple of weeks away, but another one peaks the night of July 29. What You...

Disposing used solar panels could bring big challenges

News Editor 1
Solar energy sounds like an energy utopia, as they don’t produce emissions when they’re in use. But what happens when they’ve reached the end of...

Feds hope new website can prevent deaths from worsening heat

News Editor 1
WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal government hopes a new website can help people and local governments beat the increasingly deadly heat of an ever-warming world. Days...