
The Tuskegee Weather Detachment

News Editor 1
In World War II, there was a division of African American airmen that made history flying planes in combat. Around the same time, the United...

The Tonga volcanic eruption may alter Earth’s climate

News Editor 1
On Jan. 15, 2022 an underwater volcano violently erupted. According to data from a NASA satellite, some 58,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools’ worth of water vapor was...

What happens to end-of-life wind turbine blades?

News Editor 1
The life span of a wind turbine blade is roughly 20 years. Can we recycle them? What You Need To Know Wind turbine blades are...

Disposing used solar panels could bring big challenges

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Solar energy sounds like an energy utopia, as they don’t produce emissions when they’re in use. But what happens when they’ve reached the end of...

Webb’s first images drop Monday

News Editor 1
Over 30 years ago, the director of the Space Telescope Science Institute, Riccardo Giacconi, said, “it is time to start thinking about the next mission...

Who GOES there? GOES-18 begins testing phase

News Editor 1
On March 1, NASA launched a new Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, GOES-18. This satellite will eventually cover the Western United States and Eastern Pacific Ocean...