
What happens when Doppler radar goes dark

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You’re at home on a hot summer day and you made plans to have your child’s birthday party at the park this afternoon. Suddenly, you...

How monster movies are born out of monster storms

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Stormy weather and the attempted control of it has been at the heart of monster movies since their inception. What You Need To Know Godzilla was...

Plant zones are shifting as winters warm

News Editor 1
Plants in gardens and fields survive and thrive based on the weather where they grow. But as the coldest temperatures of winter gradually warm, those...

NASA says climate change will make air travel more dangerous

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A NASA report reveals that air travel could face a bumpy future due to climate change, but a new invention could help. What You Need...

The making of a weather model

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Whether you’re familiar with them or not, we’ve all seen data from weather models. You see them in temperatures or rain chances on a weather app, or...

U.S. tornado count reaches record high in 2023 so far

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The severe weather season not only got off to an early start, but a possible record-breaking one as well for tornadoes. A preliminary report shows...

Reviewing thunderstorm safety

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It’s severe weather season and storms have already hit many areas hard across the country this year. Now is a good time to review severe...

What makes the sunbeams at sunrise and sunset?

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Most of us have seen bright beams of light radiating from the sun around sunrise or sunset, but how do these rays form, and what...

Same tech used by self-driving cars is now measuring snow

News Editor 1
Scientists are using the same type of lasers that are used in self-driving cars to track the massive meltdown of this winter’s record snow in...

Try these ideas to beat spring allergies

News Editor 1
Spring is in full swing, and that means pollens are back. Here are some simple do’s and don’ts on how to beat your allergies. What...