
Orlando Rep. Anna Eskamani endorses Charlie Crist for Governor of Florida | Orlando Area News | Orlando

The field is dense with competitors looking to remove Gov. Ron DeSantis from his perch in the Western Florida woods. So, a little beacon from a fellow progressive can be useful when trying to suss out the best challenger for the state’s petty tyrant.

Orlando’s ultra-pro-labor State House Rep. Anna Eskamani threw in behind former Florida governor Charlie Crist this week, announcing her support in a video shared to Twitter. Though Crist is a former Republican, Eskamani touted his history of fighting for the “everyday people” if Florida.

“He’s fought for consumer rights and has taken on some of the most influential corporations in the state, like investor-owned utilities and insurance companies,” she said. “I trust Charlie to champion the needs of our most vulnerable community members and to work with the best people to get it done.”

Crist’s current platform says he’ll fight for fair wages, affordable housing, well-funded schools and protected voting rights. He’s also spoken out publicly against the recent wave of attacks on LGBTQ people (and trans youth, in particular) in Florida.

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