
Orlando cop facing charges after being pulled over for speeding, refusing to show license | Orlando Area News | Orlando

An Orlando police officer is now facing charges after he was pulled over for driving nearly 40 miles above the speed limit near Oviedo.

The officer, Alexander Shaouni, was stopped by a Seminole County sheriff’s deputy June 6. According to the deputy’s report, Shaouni was going 80 mph in a 45 mph zone down Florida Avenue in an agency-issued patrol cruiser — without his siren or emergency lights on.

Shaouni is seen arguing with the deputy on body-cam footage. He tells the deputy he was driving into work.

“What? I am going into work my man, why are you trying to pull me over as I’m going into work?” Shaouni is seen asking.

“Because you’re going 80 in a 45,” the deputy said.

When the deputy asked to see Shaouni’s license, he responds, “No.”

Shaouni drove away, followed by the deputy. He activated his emergency lights and had to drive at speeds over 90 mph to reach Shaouni, who initially refused to pull over, WESH reports.

The police officer was arrested on charges of resisting an officer, reckless driving and fleeing a law enforcement officer with active sirens, according to court records.

Shaouni has since been “relieved of duty” ahead of the internal investigation and criminal case against him, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

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