
Florida women’s shitty behavior at Orlando-area restaurant leads to arrests | Orlando Area News | Orlando

Five women caused mayhem at Papa Bee’s, a Longwood restaurant known for its wings, leading to a mass fight and eventually five arrests.

The women allegedly clogged the toilet “intentionally” — with wads of toilet paper, not wings or the byproduct of eating wings. After an employee cleaned the restroom, the women allegedly did it again, and were asked to leave, according to restaurant staff.

Upon being told they were 86’ed, one women allegedly punched the manager in the face, leading to a good old-fashioned donnybrook of slapping, kicking, biting, scratching, chair-throwing and perhaps worst of all, overturning of salt and pepper shakers.

Is now a weird time to point out that Papa Bees has placed in our Best of Orlando Readers Choice poll many years in a row for Best Wings? No? Maybe? Whatever. Go for the wings, stay for the show.

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