
Florida school board candidate said calls for lynching doctors who treat trans kids | Florida News | Orlando

A Florida school board candidate won a crowd with  bigoted remarks against trans children and doctors who treat trans children.

Alisabeth Janai Lancaster is running in Santa Rosa County school district three, attempting to sell herself as a conservative holding ‘Christian values’. After serving in law enforcement for over 20 years she is now retired hoping to gain a seat on the school board in Pensacola.

Lancaster is steering into the recent trans panic fueled by GOP legislation against transgender people just trying to live their lives. On the back of Florida Republicans pushing to deny trans people care under Medicaid, Lancaster went a step further and called for violence against doctors.

“These doctors that are going along with mutilating these children and prescribing hormone blockers to these kids, in my opinion, they should be hanging from the nearest tree,”she said.

The crowd roared into applause.

“The welfare and protection of the students is my first and foremost one priority,” Lancaster said. “Children should not be burdened of the woke agenda that is leaving a path of destruction wherever it goes”

Lancaster spewed her beliefs onto the crowd, taking time to support the guardian program to arm teachers and rail against the teachings of critical race theory.  

This is not the first time trans children have been the victim of bigotry in Florida. Recently, the Florida Department of Health encouraged doctors to not provide hormone treatment for trans youths. To add on, Gov. Ron DeSantis even signed a law denying trans Floridians medicaid coverage for treatments such as hormone therapy.

This is dangerous considering, studies show when trans youth has access to gender-affirming treatments, mental health improves. A study done by Jama Pediatrics shows depression is reduced by 60% for trans youths after they have gone through treatment versus not having access to it.

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