Tag : Buffalo

The pattern in the tropics starts shifting in August

August is here and that means that the average peak of hurricane season is approaching. This month usually marks the…

2 years ago

How warmer water can help cool you on a hot day

It might seem like common sense to reach for that bottle of ice cold water on a hot summer day,…

2 years ago

A volcano’s ‘song’ may signal eruption

Predicting a volcanic eruption could come down to studying the lava inside the mountain. More precisely, the sounds coming from…

2 years ago

Delta Aquariid meteor shower favors southern skywatchers

The peak of the Perseid meteor shower is still a couple of weeks away, but another one peaks the night…

2 years ago

Disposing used solar panels could bring big challenges

Solar energy sounds like an energy utopia, as they don't produce emissions when they're in use. But what happens when…

2 years ago

Feds hope new website can prevent deaths from worsening heat

WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal government hopes a new website can help people and local governments beat the increasingly deadly…

2 years ago

When does a hurricane make landfall?

Hurricane landfall, as with real estate, is all about location, location, location. However, the definition of “landfall” can be more…

2 years ago

The storm that can produce green skies

Most people have heard the saying “red sky at night, sailors’ delight, red sky at morning, sailors take warning.” But…

2 years ago

Seville, Spain has started naming heat waves

We are all familiar with naming hurricanes and ranking them by category, but now there's a push to do the…

2 years ago

Your body’s own air conditioning system

While much of the nation is sweltering under the summer’s intense heat, have you ever wondered how we humans and…

2 years ago