Tag : Hudson Valley

What to do before, during and after flooding

Flash flooding strikes many by surprise. It can happen in just minutes, helping make it a leading cause of weather-related deaths…

2 years ago

What exactly is a tropical wave?

You have likely heard meteorologists mention tropical waves, but what in the world are they?  What You Need To Know…

2 years ago

What happens to end-of-life wind turbine blades?

The life span of a wind turbine blade is roughly 20 years. Can we recycle them? What You Need To…

2 years ago

New report shows record number of ‘sunny day’ floods

Coastal communities are seeing more flooding on sunny days. Here's why.  What You Need To Know Coastal flooding during high…

2 years ago

Getting to know the layers of Earth’s atmosphere

The atmosphere around the Earth isn’t one big layer. It’s composed of a few layers, with each having its own…

2 years ago

Need a thermometer? Listen to the crickets

Chirp! Chirp! The noise of crickets is a familiar summer sound, but did you know you can tell the temperature…

2 years ago

Full moon could obscure the Perseid meteor shower

The week wraps up with two night-sky events, but one will make the other hard to see. What You Need…

2 years ago

The future of weather forecasting may be outer space

As we all know, weather forecasting is not an exact science. It still needs plenty of perfecting here on Earth.…

2 years ago

History of meteorology

From curiously observing clouds hoping to predict the weather to launching advanced technology to see what's happening across the world,…

2 years ago

How weather determined the target for the atomic bombs

Today, August 6, marks the anniversary of the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945. We…

2 years ago