Tag : Chief Meteorologist Gary Stephenson

Thanksgiving weather we were not thankful for

Thanksgiving is a time for the gathering of family and friends, for great food, football, and for some, shopping. Most…

6 months ago

Even a tropical storm can have its name retired

In 1953, the United States began using a list of names to name tropical systems in the Atlantic and Pacific…

11 months ago

A short history of daylight saving time

Twice a year, most of the U.S. adjusts to time moving forward in the spring and back again in the…

2 years ago

How weather determined the target for the atomic bombs

Today, August 6, marks the anniversary of the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945. We…

2 years ago

How some of Santa’s little reindeer relate to the weather

We all know that Santa travels the world on Christmas Eve on a sleigh pulled by eight... no, nine, reindeer!…

2 years ago

An attempt to control the weather

The idea of controlling the weather is not a new one. The hope of keeping bad weather away from people…

2 years ago